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Let’s Save Some Lives

WhiteFlag Team

When WhiteFlag’s CEO and founder, Jonny McCoy dedicated his life to defending the innocent, it was all for the community. When WhiteFlag was founded, its existence, mission and growth was all for the community.

WhiteFlag has always been about community.
That is why we’re delighted to announce that WhiteFlag is taking a significant step forward by launching on StartEngine, an innovative crowdfunding platform that sends a message to the world: Communities can have, and deserve, the chance to be the investors for the companies they believe in.


Take a moment to learn more about StartEngine. If you’ve had any experience supporting a company on KickStarter, the process is very similar. However, where KickStarter provides people with perks, early access or products, StartEngine allows anyone to invest in actual equity of the companies on the platform!

StartEngine is a crowdfunding platform that connects new and innovative companies, like ours, with all kinds of investors, including both experienced investors and everyday individuals. Not all companies are public and on the market for trade, so opportunities like this normally don’t exist for people to own equity in a company like WhiteFlag. StartEngine operates within the regulatory framework set by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), ensuring a secure and compliant environment for investment opportunities. It is also an exclusive crowdfunding platform that only accepts 1% of startups–and WhiteFlag is honored to say we are a part of that 1%.


Our CEO, Jonny McCoy, wants the WhiteFlag community to know, “We have only made it this far because of our community, our users. They are the ones who are creating the magic of WhiteFlag. Unfortunately, only accredited angel investors are legally allowed to invest in startups like WhiteFlag. That is unless the company opens up an offering on a platform like StartEngine. So, that is what we are doing. We are offering our community a once in a lifetime chance to invest early in a unicorn that they believe in.”

We are pleased to announce an opportunity for YOU to invest and become an owner in a company that is making a huge impact on the mental health crisis! Be the reason why millions of people around the world are finding peace and hope through connecting with someone who understands.
Simply put, you deserve to own a part of a resource that was meant for you. We built this resource to help our communities, and feel you have every right for an opportunity to be a part of our investment team. Normally, investment in a non-publicly traded company isn’t a walk in the park. There are restrictions and limitations put on non-accredited investors, difficulty in finding the outlets and avenues needed to make those investments, and most importantly, it can be incredibly difficult and time consuming if you haven’t had experience in investing before. StartEngine changes that by providing an easily-navigable, simple, and legitimate process to make small-to-mid sized investments in non-publicly traded companies.


Our decision to work with StartEngine means that you, our community, now have the chance to become stakeholders in our journey, not just our company. When you invest in WhiteFlag, it’s not just owning equity. It’s joining our movement in a much larger way. It's an expression of your belief in our vision. It’s becoming part of the ever-proven story that a community can create its own solutions, and benefit from them as well. You have the opportunity to take flight with us, but also be in the mental health fight right beside us.


At some point in your life, you’ve probably seen a GoFundMe page help raise funds for your neighbor’s sick pet, or a small, budding company on KickStarter have the chance to give the world an awesome new product because of the contributions towards their campaign. Crowdfunding has been around for a while now and has completely changed the way everyday people can participate with individuals, organizations, and movements they believe in. Now that WhiteFlag has opened its doors to the world of crowdfunding, that chance at action you’ve seen work time and time again is available to you! With exclusive and unique early bonuses and perks, this is an opportunity you are not going to want to miss out on.


In the upcoming weeks, we'll be sharing more details about our StartEngine campaign, including investment terms, our vision, and how you can get involved. We encourage you to stay engaged with our updates and consider becoming an investor in WhiteFlag and be part of the movement with us: own a piece of WhiteFlag. As our Chief Impact Officer, and current investor, Dr. Roshni Patel said, “The question is not if WhiteFlag will be successful, it’s rather when, and are you going to be a part of it?” So, are you?


WhiteFlag’s StartEngine campaign has already officially launched and is available for investment with Super Early Bird and Early Bird bonus share opportunities happening right now!

Just like most crowdfunding campaigns, there are minimum and maximum investments you can make, all of which come with special perks, WhiteFlag merch, dedicated acknowledgement and shoutouts, or even free bonus shares! You’ll find a link below that takes you to our main campaign page, where you can invest from there. If you haven’t had a chance to learn more about WhiteFlag, our Founder, his story, and other parts of the WhiteFlag movement, feel free to read our page on StartEngine to truly understand what it is you’re getting the chance to invest in at:
The mental health crisis started within our communities, but the solutions and resources to that crisis can too. The WhiteFlag app has always been meant for you, for us. Just as our communities deserve resources that help them, they also deserve the chance to be involved in the success of those resources. This isn’t crowdfunding. This is a community, and you can be a part of it. If you want to be a part of this movement, we are right here waiting for you.

WhiteFlag isn't just about investing in an app - it's an investment in the future of mental health. By participating, you're helping break the stigma and extending your support and hope to countless individuals. Take the ride with us. Let’s save some lives.

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